LEADER / FEADERLinks between actions for thedevelopment of the rural economyPromote sustainable and innovativedevelopment in rural areasEnhance thequality of life in ruralcommunitiesEncourage and empower theparticipation of local communities inthe development processGOALSRead more about LEADER atruralplus.euPRINCIPLES OF THE LEADER STRATEGYIndividuals or legal entities ofprivate naturePublic entities of local or regionalnature (town halls, associations,consortia etc.)Neighborhood and communal forestcommunities & their associationsTARGET GROUPSAround €100 billion from 2014-2020and €26.9 billion for 2021-2027FUNDINGSTHE TERRITORIAL APPROACH1BOTTOM-UP APPROACH25LOCAL PUBLIC & PRIVATEASSOCIATIONSINTEGRATED &MULTISECTORAL APPROACH36INNOVATION478COOPERATIONDYNAMIZATIONNETWORK ORGANIZATIONFinanced by the European union. The European commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.