Practical exercises to develop Coordination Capacity

Timings: 50 minutes


The coordination capacity is a crucial skill for executing tasks and achieving objectives in a well-planned manner.

Learning objectives: In the training, mentors will:

  • Discuss the importance of coordination capacity in achieving goals
  • Identify different ways to improve coordination capacity
  • Observe different strategies for effective coordination
  • Discuss how this skill can strengthen the Centre's ability to work as a team



  • Have a computer and an overhead projector ready
  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the introduction including possible definitions and questions to pose
  • Prepare pieces of paper for all the participants



  1. Mentor explains the objective, aims, and structure of the training session. The mentor should encourage all participants to take notes during the training. (10 minutes)
  2. Mentor presents the following questions and asks mentees to think of them individually for a moment:
  • What is coordination capacity, and why is it important for achieving goals?
  • What are some common barriers to coordination, and how can they be overcome?
  • What are some strategies for effective coordination, and how can they be applied in practice?

Give 5 minutes to think and ask them to discuss their thoughts with the person they have on their right hand. (10 minutes)

  1. Mentor puts participants into groups of three or four. Each group is supposed to discuss the same questions further. All participants should share their thoughts as well as communicating what was revealed in the 1+1 conversation. Each group should nominate a person to write notes. (15 minutes)


Each group is given a task to complete within 10 minutes. The task involves designing a plan for coordinating a project within their respective groups. The plans should include strategies for overcoming common barriers to coordination, and effective methods for working together. After 10 minutes, each group will present their plan to the rest of the group. (10 minutes)

Exercise 2: Construct an action plan. Group members will need to establish an action plan for the Rural Plus project, indicating the activities needed, who is responsible, and deadlines. In this way, they will be able to coordinate available resources and ensure that the project progresses toward its intended goals.

Exercise 3: Develop leadership skills. A good coordinator must also be a good leader, able to motivate the team and manage any conflicts. Exercises to develop leadership skills may include attending a training course, reading books on the subject, or participating in team building exercises.

Exercise 4: Improve communication. Effective communication is essential for good coordination capacity. Exercises to improve communication may include attending a training course, practicing active listening techniques, or establishing communication protocols within the team.

Best practices:

  • Defining clear roles and responsibilities within the team to avoid overlap or confusion.
  • Establishing a monitoring and control system to constantly check the progress of the project.
  • Use of project management tools, such as Gantt charts or project management software, to facilitate coordination among various activities and resources.


  • "Team Coordination Training" by
  • "Team Coordination Strategies" by
  • "Effective Coordination in High-Performing Teams" by Harvard Business Review

Sources for further study of the topic:

  • "Project Management for Dummies" by Stanley E. Portny.
  • "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni.
  • "The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook" by Michael L. George, David Rowlands, Mark Price, and John Maxey


Discussion about the results of the exercise and the best practices presented. The mentor will encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences with coordination in their own work or personal life. (5 minutes)

Last modified: Wednesday, 27 December 2023, 3:27 PM